5 Things Every Seller Should Do Before Selling Their Home

When sellers prepare their house for the market, they’re usually happy to share everything they’ve done to make it more attractive to buyers — new roof, freshly painted trim, and new fixtures in the bathroom and kitchen. However, they don’t often discuss minor details of things they need to do before selling that can cost them thousands of dollars if prospective buyers catch on before closing the deal.

Here are some things sellers let slip when they prep their house for the market. Don’t let this happen to you,

1. Take Care of Clutter

Even veteran sellers make the common mistake of forgetting to declutter when they prep their homes for sale.

Many homes have items and belongings (not to mention dust bunnies) hidden in closets, attics, and basements. So before you put your house on the market, it’s essential to comb through every nook and cranny to remove anything that can make potential buyers walk away.

Ask yourself: is there any item that might make buyers uneasy or draw attention to a repair? If so, get rid of it. Your real estate agent will also be able to give you a checklist of what needs to be done before going live with your listing. This should include some must-dos like cleaning out gutters, ensuring all appliances are working correctly, and making necessary repairs.

If your closets, cabinets, and drawers are stuffed full of old toys, unused gadgets, and clothes you haven’t worn in years, it’s time to get rid of them! One great way to do so is by holding a yard sale or donating your belongings. Prospective home buyers want to visualize themselves living in a new clean environment, so make sure you declutter before letting them in.

2. Fix Small Defects Before Listing

While prospective buyers can be forgiving of minor flaws, some defects, such as a leaky faucet or a cracked window, can scare them off. However, research suggests fixing minor defects before listing your home is worth it.

The following problems are particularly likely to push buyers away:

  • Drafty windows and doors
  • Leaks in bathrooms and kitchens
  • Squeaky floors
  • Dirty carpets or rugs

Clean your windows inside and out. Cleaning your windows might seem like a simple task, but it’s one you shouldn’t overlook. This seemingly small but essential detail can help your house sell faster and for more money. You might be tempted to clean only from inside, but don’t. However, this may make it look like no one lives there (and you might have to deal with people stopping by unexpectedly).

Cleaning from both sides will make your house stand out in photos and attract buyers who are looking specifically for homes with clean windows on both sides. Consider it an investment; cleaning your windows can pay off big-time if you decide to sell.

These problems are easy to overlook in your daily life but scream neglect to buyers who imagine living with them for years. Spending money on repairs now is an investment that should pay off when you sell later.

3. Have Buyers in Mind When Decorating

It may feel natural to put your needs first when decorating. After all, it’s your home. However, prospective buyers do not want to live in a home that doesn’t reflect their taste.

It is easier and much more cost-effective to purchase new furnishings when they are needed. After all, you don’t have to worry about selling these items later. In addition, it is essential to consider who will be looking at or walking through your home during open houses or showings.

Buyers may include single people without children and families with young children. They may also include older adults and perhaps even someone with physical limitations which could have difficulty with stairs or bathrooms without grab bars. So keep the average buyer in mind when redecorating your house for the market.

4. Be Honest with Your Agent

It’s essential to be honest with your real estate agent about any repairs or remodelling plans for your home — no need to try fixing it yourself. Instead, call them and fill them in if you think of something after they leave. This will keep you on track with your timeline, reduce repair costs and help avoid costly re-dos. Not sure where to start? Your real estate agent can help give suggestions if needed!

5. Improve Curb Appeal

Curb appeal often sets one home apart from another, especially when selling. So if you’re putting your house on the market, be sure to take care of all of these exterior details.

Nothing will add curb appeal like new landscaping. However, this is also an excellent time to think about trees and shrubs that will positively impact your home’s air quality and water usage.

Properly placed plants can also help block noise from neighbours and busy streets. Trees are an investment in your property’s long-term value and can keep going strong for decades if properly maintained. Talk with your local nursery about which varieties might work best for you.

Trust us, a little sweat and elbow grease will make your home look its best. Better curb appeal means more buyers!

It may be tempting to hold back when showing your home because you don’t want to leave anything to chance, but ultimately, buyers must see all of your houses. You have something valuable that they want, so make sure you help them in every way possible to acquire it by preparing your home thoroughly.